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Blizzard Clamps Down On Overwatch Porn And Don't Ask Why

Overwatch, the multiplayer shooter that is looking like the next big hit for Blizzard, suffered from a bit of controversy earlier in the year. 

Photo credit: Blizzard Entertainment Inc.

Photo credit: Blizzard Entertainment Inc.

Some gamers claimed that some of the title's female characters, most notably Tracer with a winning pose that accentuated her backside, were overly sexualized.

As probably expected by some, Overwatch slowly made its way into porn, hatching a new genre of erotic content focused on the game's characters. Blizzard, however, is not having any of it.

Redditor spornm posted on the online forum an image of a message that he had received from porn website Pornhub regarding a video that he uploaded featuring Overwatch's Tracer and Widowmaker and Mass Effect's Liara.

The message states that the video has been removed due to the material being an infringement of copyright.

"It's the same as Blizzard taking down that tracer art work you drew in class. Its them pick and choosing which content they want people to see," spornm wrote on his Reddit post, calling for Blizzard to allow the content to be distributed and for the company to stop policing the Internet.

Spornm is not the only uploader of Overwatch porn that has been served the takedown notice, as several other creators also received similar messages. The claims are coming from a company named Irdeto, which is speculated to be hired by Blizzard to scour through the Internet for Overwatch porn and have them removed.

Read the full Tech Times article here: