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LOS ANGELES -, aka the Porn Academy, has released an online video course on building a career in the adult entertainment industry. 


The course consists of 120 videos and detailed text tutorials and covers three sections of the industry: performing, producing and distributing. was initiated by producers with a background in online video courses. They have produced courses in the past for many organizations and universities of applied sciences.

According to the founders of, all available information was collected, meticulously researched and condensed into short, straight-forward instructional videos.

"The videos at Porndemy are filled with straight-forward tutorials and serve people with a short attention span," a spokesperson for said. "If the student needs more information, Pordemy also includes text tutorials that delve deeper into each subject."'s spokesperson said that after the release of the Netflix documentary "Hot Girls Wanted," the site's founders "knew that this course needed to be done."

Read the full XBIZ article here: